to my beliefs

1:12 PM

"And I am sure that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on that day when Christ Jesus comes back again." Philippians 1:6
"Then Christ will make His home in your hearts as you trust in Him. Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong." Ephesians 3:17

Here is what I believe to be true about this world:
I believe that God is the Almighty King of this universe. His power can protect me from all the fears that I build up inside. I believe that Jesus was sent to this earth to die for me, that although I am a lowly sinner His love covers all. I believe that although I have trouble feeling that love and truly relying on what He thinks of me I know that He is there. Even when I feel the most distant from Him I am going to choose Him. Even though He makes me question everything around me I believe that I am going to do my very best to chase after Him. Even when I have trouble seeing that He has saved me for something much better and worthwhile than I will ever see, I believe I am learning to trust Him.

I believe that the single most important reason that I work out is so that I do not die. I work out to be fit, skinny, and healthy; sure, those things mean something to me, but they are not everything. I do not believe that being less than 130 pounds makes you beautiful. Our society screams, "Get skinnier!" while I am screaming for ice cream. I believe that the truest of all beauties have it in their eyes. In the way they sparkle when they laugh or speak on what they love. I am not concerned if you have a thigh gap as much as I care about if there is a gap in your heart from the love you're missing.
I believe to work out is to delay death. Now don't misquote me, I am a believer of death. I believe that death is an amazing end and beginning. The struggle and hurt are all gone in an instant and you are in the presence of the Almighty Savior. How could that be wrong? I believe that death is hardest for the living. Those who have to keep trudging on after you are gone. They are left filled with memories and what-ifs. They are the ones I feel bad for. I want to prolong death if only for those that love me, so that they will not be left hurting. I have seen what can happen to a man's body when it turns against him, and I do not wish that on anyone, especially not my family. I believe death is good, but I do not want my death to hurt others, thus I work out.

I believe in dancing. That to dance as if no one is watching you is one way to let go of your cares. When I dance I do so without a need of reassurance. I do it for myself, most of the time. The other times are when I dance for my Abba, I believe that He is smiling down at me and truly enjoying my worship. Dancing frees the mind and the soul. It fills me with happiness and joy. Sometimes you just need to "dance it out"! (Please tell me you knew that was a Grey's Anatomy reference)

I believe in crying. Anyone who really and truly knows me will know that I cry. A lot. I like to believe that crying is a spiritual gift of sorts. I do not think the Lord would give me the ability to feel everything all without it having a purpose. I believe crying is renewal to the spirit. It cleanses you and makes you feel hope. Crying and Jesus is the only way I get through life.

I believe that the only way I see God's love is through His people. I have been told I'm a "people-person" and I would say that without a shadow of a doubt that is true. I find that the only way I can continuously believe in Him is to see how others continue on to pursue Him even when they have nothing. When I see the way people lay their pride, comfort, and own desires down for the benefit of another that, my friends, is when I see Jesus. I see Him through my Mama Luz's wrinkles, through my mother's tears, through my sister's smiles. I saw Him in my father's laugh. The deepest and greatest sense of joy that flows out of their lives is where I see Jesus.

I believe in community, as much as it can hurt and as much as I push it away, I still believe. We were made for one another. Everyone in this world relies on others. You are not an island, so stop acting like one. I know that all of the trials I have seen I could not have made it without those people constantly surrounding me and encouraging me, even when I wanted nothing more than to be alone. Keep those who love you close, for they see all the beautiful things about you that you'll never see looking in the mirror.

I believe that there will be someone out there that will love me until the end of my days. He will want to discover what it means to be Brittany. He will want to know what makes my heart start and stop. He will be interested in the words that have yet to come out of my mouth because he knows that they will mean something. He will be not be consumed with love for me, but for Our Father. He will be the man of God that I have been waiting for. I do not need to spend time aimlessly talking to these boys who claim to be men and yet are too concerned with chasing "fun" as if college and high school did not end a while ago. I believe that I am worth more than that. I will be with that man who will know how to be responsible. This man will be the father of my children and I will never question his ability to lead.

I believe that although my life is nowhere near what I thought it was going to be, it is going somewhere. This life is filled with so many failures and regrets, but you cannot let them hold you back. I believe that the devil is a liar. I know that from time to time I listen to his lies that I will never be good enough, that I am unworthy of love, that I am going nowhere, and that I am worthless. I believe that one day I will see the crushing of his head under the foot of my Savior. All of the lies I constantly hear will never amount to anything because I am a daughter of the Most High. As hard as it may be to believe it all the time I believe that J Moss is right when he sings that "God's Got It". I believe that Philippians 1:6 is truth. I believe that one day I will be in Heaven with The Lord and no longer worry about these milestones that we find so important here on earth. I believe that my only thoughts will be on praising my Savior. That is what I want my life goal to be from here on out. That all that I am be filled with praises for Him. I want my life to reflect only Him. I believe that He is the only constant in this life.