to my current fascinations, obsessions, and time fillers

4:40 PM

alright so I decided to join the trend and do one of those "currently" blog posts. I figured that this blog doesn't have to be super deep and emotional ALL the times and so lets keep it casual today! Also my favorite blogger Kelsey does one of this posts each month and since I love her I wanted to try my hand at it too! Here goes nothing!

reading: I am in the process of reading Black Like Me, but that has been taking a backseat lately.

listening to: Steffany Gretzinger's album "The Undoing", covers of Beyonce songs that keep showing up on spotify (Lotte Kestner's version of "Halo" is just beautiful), & of course the amazing Taylor Swift.

watching: Friends! Ah Friends. Isn't it the best? Also, catching up on all my regular TV shows that I've missed because of midterms last week. Can we talk about the How to Get Away With Murder finale?! Wow. That was just too much.

working on: my Jesus time. I have been doing pretty well, but I slip up a lot more than I'd like to. I am really enjoying journaling and talking to Him though. It's like nothing makes sense until I just write it out for Him.

craving: Chipotle, but let's be real that a constant thing.

loving: my Chicago Bulls! I went to my third game last night and am just hooked! I am not a sports person whatsoever, but I just find such a fascination with the team currently - mostly Joakim Noah! Man bun lovin' forsure!

wearing: anything comfortable lately & earrings. ALWAYS earrings.

excited for: the rest of spring break. I have some fun plans with friends and family last few days that I cannot wait for!

learning: to be happy and maybe even excited (what? thats a new one) for the love lives of my friends and family when mine ain't all that.

nervous about: the grad school process. I did some googling and a few schools got me excited, but then I saw the price tag. I feel like I need to just go directly after I graduate or I will never go back. The whole application process and then figuring out what school to go to is what's freaking me out. Oh plus I have an phone interview tomorrow! Prayers accepted!

hoping: I was not so much of a procrastinator. This post is the result of procrastination on my research methods paper...

obsessed with: spotify. I know I'm a late to joining, but I've fully jumped on this bandwagon! Oh & flower tattoos. I swear one shows up every time I go on tumblr and I want one of my own more and more each time.

So that's currently me in a nut shell. Just a few things that have been making my little heart sing! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it.

peace & blessings,