to the beauty of this day

3:38 PM

"Don't forget to fall in love with yourself first."

This is not a usual post, but I just want to write about how right this day was without even noticing. I woke up this morning seeing cancelled plans written across my phone and I was upset. I was excited to see a friend, but she had to work. Now I was left with a day wide open and nothing to do. I thought I was going to sulk, and yet, I found this to be the most peaceful and beautiful day I've had in a while.

Here are things I did just because I find them enjoyable:
-Finished reading The Hunger Games
-Watched Grey's Anatomy
-Texted one of my best friends to fan girl about above mentioned
-Sat in front of the Christmas tree in all it's lit glory while watching The Hunger Games
^that may be overkill(haha, sick joke), but I just could not help myself after finishing the book
-Listened to beautiful music
-Had fro-yo with a good friend

Now mind you, running is not something I have really fallen in love with just yet. However, I did really enjoy it. I feel motivated and I felt renewed afterwards. I think one of these years I'll be head over heels for it, but for today it's simply an acquaintance.
Today was not at all what I expected or planned. For those of you reading this who know me will also know that I hate not having a plan; I would make all of daily plans a week in advance if I could! Today showed me to enjoy my break in ways that I want. To live in Kairos, in the right moment. Not in what is expected of me by myself or by others. I don't have to look towards the future for once. I am just living in this day that I had to myself. I am free to do what makes me happy. That's what it means to love yourself. I think I am getting back to that places. I am falling in love with myself again. I lost myself once and now I am embracing and celebrating all that I am.
Here's to days like today! Don't let them be too few and far between.