to being a light

2:03 PM

I saw that picture on pinterest and suddenly it hit me: This is what I want my life to be about. Over time I have realized what my passion is and that is people. Plain and simple. It's taken me awhile to figure out exactly what that means but I always knew I wanted something to do with helping people in their lives. Relationships in this life are so essential to not only survival but to happiness. We all need each other. Our community helps mold who we are and who we become. I am so blessed by the people God has brought into my life, no matter how long they stayed. 
I am the type of person that likes to fix things. I like people to be happy and to be happy with one another. I do not do well with awkward encounters and angry hearts. I just don't. Whenever I have conflict with friends or my friends have their own conflicts I like to find ways to help fix it. I believe in harmony; it's actually one of my personal strengths. People are meant to be together showing love to one another. That is the way my Father intended for it to be. I am trying to live my life to be mirror of Christ. Now I am no where near my Savior but I want my heart to project things He delights in, and a big part of that is loving His people. 
So loving people is a big umbrella that a lot of things fall under, how do I use what the Lord has placed on my heart for my future? This question has racked my brain for years. When people asked what I was planning to do with my life I was always lost for words. One of my roommates would always step in and say "she's going to do something with people!" And by golly, I am going to do it.
I have played around with a lot of different majors and career paths, one most recently was education. I have taken two education classes up to this point and I loved them! I don't know if it was the professor, the material, or just the thought of helping kids in such an important life changing area. Education is so important and I owe a lot of who I've become to my past teachers and professors. So I figured I'd try it out, especially since my older sister is now teaching first grade. As well as I did in class and seeing what it takes to be a teacher, when it came to our observation days I just could not handle THAT many kids all day long. I just could not. But I still wanted to be apart of the school system somehow. The amount of need in kids is just astounding. 
So I want to be in education somehow, but not as a teacher. What does that leave? It turns out one of psychology professors was a school psychologist for a number of years. She told my stories and stories of students she has worked with in the past and helping them work through all sorts of issues in their life. As I've thought about it more and more that just makes sense for me! I want to help kids with their specific classroom needs and well as their emotional needs. Seeing some of my sister's students and hearing about their home life just makes me want to sit and talk them through everything that is happening. Some of these kids have no one who actually feeds into their life and many are so desperately looking for it. I want to be the outlet for kids. I want bring more light into lives of kids that thought their future was dark and empty. I was blessed with those people who spoke life into my life and for my Father who brings His light in my life everyday. I want to make that my life. 
I also want that line to be my personal mantra. I want to let more light in my everyday life and to be a light to everyone I come into contact with. God is the light in my life and He shines through me. I hope all I do brings joy to Him. However, I am still a fallen being, so keep in mind that I am not perfect, I'm simply trying!